Happy happy birthday
from Bono Herrera to you
I hope your birthday goes better than mine
because I hate my birthday (I am aware that that didn't rhyme).
Perfect (10/10)
I think 15804 was referring to the poster of this post.
8.5/10 for me.
7/10 for me, kinda underated for me and one of the better 2010 episodes.
Bad (3.5/10)
9/10 for me.
Good (7/10)
Happy happy birthday
from Bono Herrera to you
I hope your birthday goes better than mine
because I hate my birthday (I am aware that that didn't rhyme).
6/10 for me.
Mediocre (4/10)
For a good amount of time it was Cody's Bad Word, that was before Cody's Wisdom Teeth came out.