*the sword fight between Beavowl and Meat Man has been going on for a while*
Beavowl: ミートくんって知ってるでしょ。この戦いでのあなたの耐久性には感心せざるを得ません
Meat Man: 私もあなたのものを賞賛しなければなりません、親愛なるビーボウル。しかし、私は1つの理由でそのテディベアを獲得しなければなりません...。それを毎日RAINフォークにするために!
Beavowl: レインフォーク、本当ですか?ふん...ビデオゲームの中でより良いモチベーションを見ました。さあ、私たちの決闘を続けましょう!-
Brooklyn Guy: GUYS!
Beavowl: What?
Brooklyn Guy: First of all. Stop speaking japanese, and SECONDLY!-
*Springtrap grabs Brooklyn Guy by the throat*
Springtrap: Oh, you poor....soul. Did you really think you could outrun US?
Nitebear: Does this mean I can finally get my revenge for making him have everybody roast me?
Springtrap: Go ahead, Nitebear.....I assure you, revenge is truly.....something you enjoy...
*Nitebear claws Brooklyn Guy to death*
Nitebear: YAY! Now we just gotta kill the other guy- *gets a fork to the head and dies*
Meat Man: ......yeah I already know what these guys're doing
Marvin The Martian: Destroying you all?
Meat Man: Yeah, de-......wait a minute, DIDNT I KILL YOU IN EPISODE 22?
Marvin The Martian: Oh, thats what you may think, meat creature. But.....I always come back....
Springtrap: Choosing to steal my line are we?
Marvin The Martian: Of course. I just wanted to inform these puny earth creatures that I, Marvin The Martian, am not defeated so easily....
Beavowl: ........wait, why're those two here?
*The Skeleton Men (now fused together) are bickering with one another*
Marvin The Martian: Oh yes, I might as well inform you about my plan.....you see, I have gathered all of the bad guys that have appeared over the course of this series, to finally put an end to your tomfoolery....and...him
Insomni: Oh, I'd love to.....if you werent so ugly, *giggles*
Jonathan: *he starts crying*
Gordon: ........*looks at Commander Boris*
Commander Boris: What're ya looking at soldier, CANTCHA SEE WE HAVE WORK TO DO?
Gordon: ....me no wanna be evil anymore *eats Boris' head*.....nom nom nom.........boar head taste weird
Brown Crewmate: Mate.....I think that thing just betrayed us
Marvin The Martian: BETRAYED?! Oh, what a pity. Traitors are such pests to deal with you know....and of all things, it happened to be, the poor little Gordon. *puts his laser gun at Gordon* Any final words before you are disintigrated?
Gordon: ....*eats Marvin's laser gun* Me still hungwy!
Beavowl: And I, really wanna stop you guy-
Red Eyed Skeleton Man: HIYAH!
Green Eyed Skeleton Man: WOOHOO!! *his head comes flying at Beavowl but misses*
Beavowl: ACK!.......as I was saying. I REALLY wanna stop you guys
Meat Man: Yeah me too...........can we just...you know, beat you guys up?
Marvin The Martian: Oh, we'd be delighted to......if beating all of us wasnt as difficult as it seems anyway
Gordon: Me with these guys though
Marvin The Martian: ........THEN COME AT US, YOU WRETCHED BEAST-
*Simmons comes out of nowhere and just tazes Marvin*
Marvin The Martian: AAAAAAAAAH!!!!! *he flops to the floor*
Simmons: *handcuffs Marvin* Alright mate, you have the right to remain silent. AND, uh.....you're under arrest for attempted mass genocide against the entire planet......rest of ya, scram! Otherwise Ill taze ya too
*the rest of the villains just book it....except Brown Crewmate*
Brown Crewmate: W-wait....before I go.....can I just get one more sip of my beer?
Simmons: Yeah go ahead *hes just walking out with Marvin*
Brown Crewmate: Cheers mate *he drinks his beer*.....and now Im out *he just stumbles out of the collisseum*....
Gordon: Yay! Day saved!
*Beavowl and Meat Man just look at each other.....they play Rock Paper Scissors to decide who kills the other.............Meat Man chooses paper.........Beavowl chooses scissors*
Beavowl: I WON! *stabs Meat Man in the head* YEAAAAH! I WON, I WON! I WON I WON I WON!
Simmons: Y'sure did Beavowl! Congrats, you're the winner of Epically Indecent Character Voting! How'd ya feel?
Beavowl: I feel....VERY great! Thanks for asking!
Simmons: And as promised. Heres your wish granting teddy bear
Gordon: Oooooh
Beavowl: Nice! Ok....what do I wanna wish for first?........uh................oh I know! I wish, EVERYONE who died, was brought back
*Brooklyn Guy, Boris, and Henry are all brought back*
Horrid Henry: Ugh.....did I win?
Brooklyn Guy: Nnnno. Y-you didnt....say Simmons who DID win?
Simmons: Beavowl
Brooklyn Guy: Oh, so Beavowl won then
Horrid Henry: Oh. Well thats ni-
*a giant thing comes crashing from the sky*
Hoppo: Eurgh.......
Meat Man: Wh- HOPPO?!
Hoppo: Wh-...huh? Oh, hey guys!
Beavowl: HES BACK!
Hoppo: Y-yeah.....I am.....................did.......did I win?
Brooklyn Guy: N-no, not really. Sorry bud
Hoppo: Oh.......well....even though I didnt win, Im...glad I did as well as I did
Brooklyn Guy: Y'sure are pal....you sure are......
Commander Boris: Ugh....wh-HEY! Where'd everybody else, go huh? *he rushes out* WAIT FOR ME, YOU MAGGOTS!
Brooklyn Guy: And ladies and gentlemen, with that, EICV has come to an end! Thank you all so much for sticking with us for the past four months we've been doing this. AND, congrats to us for being the very first non RCV show 2FromBFB managed to fully finish! Hats off to you bud!
Brooklyn Guy: And so, with that. Thats me, Brooklyn T. Guy signing out! Thank you all for watching. AND.....stick around for that second season!
Brooklyn Guy: Hey there, Brooklyn T. Guy again! So, we know you all REALLY enjoyed the first season. So...we thought......what if we found out who your favourite contestant was throughout the season? So thats what the poll linked above me is for. Using it, you can vote for your favourite contestant who has competed in EICV. This doesnt affect anything about season 2 dont worry, this is just a popularity thing, alright? AND, if this is somehow your first time seeing the series, weve linked EVERY episode from the series in that poll for you to see. So....yeah
*the TV at the elimination jail is still static*
Amitie: So......is this TV ever gonna get working, or?...
Handy: *he's finished rewiring it* Ahah!
*the TV cuts to the credits of EICV*
All: ................
Purple Puyo: Dang.....that stinks...
Makka Pakka: Makka......
Rockstar Foxy: Aye. It be ok mateys. We can always watch it on streaming!
Kinger: Uh, n-not really. Im not exactly sure wether or not this show's signed a contract with any streaming services, so, um.....we may never be able to see the finale-
Charlie Window: Its on Hulu!
Kinger: ....oh
*one watch of the finale later*
*more silence*