I know Anthony is about to have a baby and will, presumably, be on maternity leave, so that’s probably why?
In the first picture, it looks the same as it does today (just different, antique looking furniture). But in the second photo is where you can really see the difference.
Manhattan T. Guy? Or Queens T. Guy?
Ther’s nothing wrong with him animating and doing his job, but Logan seriously uses the lame old animated stories as a way to drag on a boring, red couch video to make it 10 minutes long.
But on a serious note, I am VERY excited for this sequel!!!
Would’ve been better if there was no restrictions from YouTube… The whole Coco situation Logan was forced to censored was stupid.
He deserved it after giving a terrible guys night out 💀
It would’ve been good, had Brookly Guy wouldn’t had been annoying and ruining Marvin’s fun.
More of Cody starting to grow out of him, considering he’s starting to explore real life men/boys, like Timmy.
This is a pretty great concept!!!
It’s ok, but at least Cody is starting to grow up and find someone to please, besides his Ken doll lol.
I really love this concept, and the Sara Lee imprint on the sweater adds it all!!! Shrek should stay an ogre, instead of being turned into a human.
I’m guessing this is what it looked like, but in red. Couldn’t find pictures of any yellow ones.
I feel like Lovell has the most fun playing Chef Pee Pee, so it makes him a funny and enjoyable character. My second favorite would be Lil T, since I like his rap songs and persona.
I do think personally, it was just a simple mistake. I know Logan has made mistakes in the past before and has disappointed us a few times, but this whole drama makes no sense. There was honestly no need for Crispy Toast to go on a full public rant before asking Logan privately about it, since it just adds unnecessary drama (I can understand why, if Logan never responded or just never took accountability or gave a reason why). I honestly would’ve done the same if I was Logan, not going to lie (everyone makes mistakes, let’s be fr). Now I do think Logan should’ve done more research to be sure, but I’m sure he learned from this. I just hate that even after Logan apologized and paid him for the picture, he still said he was an “art theif”, like what more do you want from him (like he paid you AND he gave you publicly and support for your channel in return)? Again, it was just a simple mistake. Overall, this ain’t serious enough to spew a whole ton of hate onto the channel. I do think if Logan wants cartoon animation art, he should contact his animators (Nicktendo & A Cartoon For You) instead, or contact or make a post asking for work to prevent something like from happening again.
Maybe that’s why they’ve been making videos of Marvin being in debt with his house payments 👀… So I’m guessing in the future, Goodman is gonna, for once, kick him out lol, and come up with something. But otherwise, it’s a little sad to see them move from that house. Hopefully the new house will be nice, if it ends up happening.