This is a bit more of a dark humoured episode
Plot: The episode begins with Junior, Cody, and Joseph playing a reckless game in the downstairs living room until Cody announces that he has to go home. Joseph asks Junior if he can stay, but Junior rejects Joseph and sends them on their way. When Joseph leaves they show him living by a dumpster with nothing to eat but roadkill and berries he forged from the forest and eats them. When Joseph falls asleep his has a hallucinogenic fever dream about God instructing Joseph to pass on his new new Testament, and to build a new community out of it.
The next scene opens at morning time when Junior answers the door to find Cody questioning if he looked in his backyard at all today, when Junior says no, Cody takes him to his backyard where Joseph has created a Neo-Christian mud commune with no walls, churches, or anything, just the land, lake and a sigh reading "HisfriendfromschoolTown." Joseph shows them around the commune where some familiar faces are worshipping on the dirt such as Jeffy, Shrek, Atso, etc. (Jeffy or Shrek would be the only ones with a speaking role), even Cody's parents dropped Judaism to join Joseph's religion. When Joseph asks if they're interested, Junior and Cody say no and call him delusional (respectively,) and Joseph kicks them out to continue his ceremony. The scene ends with Joseph sleeping eating more forged berries and roadkill, and having another fever dream of God telling Joseph how displeased he is in his cause and commands him to poison the lake pond to kill his followers.
The final act starts with Junior and Cody on the red couch showing concern over Joseph and his religion and decides to go outside to confront him with a idea under their sleeves. there they make it outside when they catch Joseph almost about to pour anthrax into the lake behind Junior's house where they intercept him to try and talk him out of it, and to convince him he's delusional. When Joesph starts to argue back claiming it was a command from God, the REAL God enters the shot nonchalantly, and in a deadpan style, explaining to Joseph that the God he saw was just a psychedelic fever hallucination from the roadkill and forest berries he ate. Joseph quickly drops his act and seems to be normal again not clinging onto the fact that he's a false prophet of a drugged out God. There could be a joke where after Joseph is reassured about everything, he unknowingly drops the anthrax in the lake while Atso in the background drinking from the lake drops dead. (The joke would add a little bit of edge and splatter to the episode.)
The final scene would end at the end of that night where it all began, with Joseph and Cody leaving the house and Junior is in bed trying to sleep with God slowly whispering "Poison the lake, poison the lake," with Junior replying "Shut up God stop asking me to poison the lake" and God's like "Ok fine" and leaves the room thus ending the video
Tell me how you think of this idea. I know it's a bit darker then what I usually write, but a bit of dark humor never hurt no one, and I find it to be a fun parody of cults.