So, almost three years ago, Logan got a cease and desist letter from Nintendo for using their characters inappropriately, and make them swear. Now, honestly, this is not what people expected. And if he would've worked things out with Nintendo, they'd give him another chance. They should've looked at Robot Chicken using Mario the same way back then. But no, I bet they wouldn't listen to Logan whatsoever. And changing them into human puppets is absolutely trashy. And Nintendo needs to understand that they don't own the names. There are some men on this planet who are named "Mario," and there are some women named "Rosalina." Just because there are some people with those names, that doesn't mean Nintendo has rights to them. I can just imagine if Logan moved on with his life instead of continuing. Because in my opinion, he should've done that instead of becoming the next Jim Henson. He created puppets. And I bet the current "SML" can stand for "SmellyMuppetLogan." Because I'm assuming that's the case. And about the Chief, he was an M&M's character back then, so Nintendo doesn't own M&M's. Turning him into a puppet so clearly unnecessary. This current era of SML is literally like The Muppets. Nintendo made Logan turn himself into the new Jim Henson, and they probably did a great job ruining his life. Again, Logan should've moved on. Maybe he should've done that after July of 2021. Well, I guess that's all I have to say, but... screw. This. Era, oh my. This has gotta end, someday. Like, seriously.
I think the 16th anniversary… but yeah. The first SML video was uploaded on December 8th.. which is today! Happy anniversary to the first, EVER SuperMarioLogan channel!
2017-2018: #SaveSML/#SaveSLL
2023: #DownWithSML
New SML reuploaded channel called "realsupermariologan" and it's not a channel trying to impersonating Logan.
So an idea I’ve been holding onto for awhile is SML as an animated series, and not in the style of Nicktendo’s animations, a completely original style instead. More people may like it too, though people have warmed up to the human puppets a lot there are still a good amount of people who think they’re ugly, seeing the human characters in a different style would be refreshing.
Part of SML’s identity is that it’s made with real life plushies and puppets, and I doubt SML will switch to being animated anytime soon, but I think it’s an okay idea. What do you think?
Thanks for the memories for 15 years and 18 days
43 Votes in Poll
From SuperMarioLogan, SuperLuigiLogan, SuperBowserLogan and the SML we have today. This channel has been with me for over 4 years. Ever since the channel deletion I still watch their videos, I don't care if they are the crappiest videos like Codys Bad Word. I'm still gonna watch it to show SML that I care, we all care. For 15 years, from the original Super Mario Got Milk Remake, to the hundreds of SML movies we have now, Junior was 5, he's now 14, Jeffy was 12, now he's 18. The amount of history this channel has is unfathomable. Thank you SML, thank you.
I’ve noticed that recent videos starting in the puppet era, before this to an extent, have been rather shallow, either being rehashes of existing videos or videos that don’t have much going on. There were some good videos but most were either alright or bad. We never see anything out of the ordinary done with these characters, they maintain a status quo and never change.
If Logan can’t think of new ideas for videos I’d rather SML just end and he makes a new show or something, granted this’ll never happen as SML is what sells but it feels like something that should be done.
Share your thoughts please, I’d love to get a discussion going.
As the title says, SuperLuigiLogan has been tinkered with again. 11 of the missing videos from the last update are back up again. But 22 more vidoes have been reprivated just after being restored.
Just as Logan(?) giveth life, he taketh too.
Videos that got unprivated
SML Movies
Jeffy Gets Expelled
Jeffy Plays Fortnite
Hide and Seek
SML Reacts
Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior Loses Thomas
Logan Reacts: Cody The Vampire
Logan Reacts: Charley And Friends The Movie
Logan Reacts: Jeffy's Cellphone
Logan Reacts: Jeffys Ice Cream
Logan Reacts: Bowser Junior's Biggest Fear
Jeffy - Why "Music Video"
Jeffy - Wanna See My Pencil? "Music Video"
Videos that got re-privated
SML Movies
Cody's 10th Birthday
Finders Keepers
Jeffy Gets Glasses
The Fortune Cookies
Jeffy's BIG Easter
Black Yoshi's Job Interview
Fat Jeffy
Bowser Junior's Daddy Problem
Chef Pee Pee's New Job
Bowser Junior's Bodyguard
The Watch
Jeffy Gets Chicken Pox
The Date
Cody's Handcuffs
The Teleportation Machine
Jeffy's Coma
Jeffy Skips School
Mr. Goodman's Son
SML Reacts
SML Reacts: Chef Pee Pee Quits
SML Reacts: Jeffy The Rapper
Meet The Cast: Anthony
No seriously, check here:
Didn't check to see if they were unprivated yesterday but they're up now. Not sure if there's any exclusions (I skimmed through the video list) but as far as I can tell it's all of them.
Also Lance and Anthony's "Meet the Cast" videos on the channel are back up (And a few vlogs but who cares about those)
Here's the videos that are still missing as of this Wave (separated into another post because of how many there are, mostly on the SML Reacts side)
Yeah nevermind this is 200% some hacker lol. Logan wouldn't post something like this.
(Psst, if you're reading this, unprivate "Goodman's House" before Logan catches you)
Oh wait I should speak his secret language.
O. O. O. There, that's better.
In reverse order, also saving this now in the likely event the videos go back down because this kinda strikes me as a mistake
Jeffy's Nanny
The Science Fair
Jeffy's Teddy Bear
Jeffy's Drone
Jeffy's Imaginary Friend
The Asteroid
Jeffy's Drivers License
Jeffy's Summer School
Jeffy's Sleepover
Jeffy Gets Glasses
35 Votes in Poll