48 Votes in Poll
48 Votes in Poll
24 Votes in Poll
27 Votes in Poll
This took me like 2 hours to make
The Spin The Bottle hate-base Ths hate base absolutely makes no sense people hate this video beacuse is CoDy ToRtUrE, Bruh, So cody can black mail junior but cant black mail him? that makes no sense, im actuly on jr's side.
The Jeffy's Cellphone hatedom, they say MaRiO gOt ToRtUrEd aT tHe eNd Bruh that not tortured thats just karma, He litary got jeffy locket in the bathroom And people say HE DIDNT DO ANYTHING WRONG bruh.
These videos are here beacuse someone stands up for himself and yet he gets the blame,
And someone gets locket in the bathroom and gets the blame for getting the trouble maker karma
Alright we're almost at the present.
1: The Hair Problem - 5.5/10
A bizarre video I have absolutely no video what to think of.
2: Spin The Bottle - 7/10
Pretty fun "idiot plot" with a good character cast and a actually pretty focused plot. Basically a dumb video but the good kind of dumb.
3: Junior The Snack Dealer - 7.5/10
One of the most interesting takes on "Supply and Demand" I've seen.
4: Jeffy Loses His Voice - 7.5/10
This video takes one of the most unusual plot ideas of a modern SML video and runs with it.
5: Jeffy's Butler - 4.5/10
Mostly just unremarkable but some disgusting/cringeworthy gags dog the score a bit.
6: Mr. Goodman's Father - 7/10
The main thing I like about this video is how lightspeed it is. It delivers it's jokes quickly and ends just as fast as it starts and it helps some of the material was fairly unexpected and clever too.
7: Cody's Accident - 2.5/10
Some of the most lazy, laughably bad "comedy" provided in recent SML times. I have no idea how this type of stuff gets uploaded honestly.
8: SpiderKen - 6.5/10
It's fine I guess. Mostly some pacing issues dragging it down but still fairly enjoyable.
9: Junior's 13th Birthday - 7/10
And to close off the month, a fairly standard good video. Main thing I like here is the character cast, otherwise I have little to say other than I just think it works.
FAVORITE: Jeffy Loses His Voice
LEAST FAVORITE: Cody's Accident
OVERALL: 6.1/10 (Decent). Fairly enjoyable month even if not the most noteworthy, and even with it containing 2021's current worst video imo.
August (4.8/10)
May (5/10)
March (5.64/10)
February (5.75/10)
April (6/10)
September (6.1/10)
January (6.38/10)
June (6.5/10)
July (6.7/10)
September was a mediocre month in terms of videos. We started off pretty low, then we got a turnaround for 2 videos. Then, 3 less-than-stellar videos flooded me, with the last one making me really pissed off with the worst Cody's appearance and made me take a break, just like last month. Hopefully, the last 2 videos ended the month on a relatively warm note. Without further ado, I'll go over my expectation and reality ratings of this month's content.
The Hair Problem!: (Expectation: ★★☆☆☆ / Reality: ★½☆☆☆)
Spin The Bottle!: (Expectation: ★★★☆☆ / Reality: ½☆☆☆☆)
Junior The Snack Dealer!: (Expectation: ★★★☆☆ / Reality: ★★★★½)
Jeffy Loses His Voice!: (Expectation: ★★★★½ / Initial Reality: ★★★★½ / Final Reality: ★★★★☆)
Jeffy's Butler!: (Expectation: ★★★★☆ / Reality: ★☆☆☆☆)
Mr. Goodman's Father!: (Expectation: ★★★★½ / Reality: ★★☆☆☆)
Cody's Accident!: (Expectation: ★★★★☆ / Reality: ½☆☆☆☆ / Final Reality: ☆☆☆☆☆ )
SpiderKEN: (Expectation: ★★★☆☆ / Reality: ★★★½☆)
Junior's 13th Birthday!: (Expectation: ★★★★½ / Reality: ★★½☆☆)
Best Video (and Most Exceeded Video) - Junior The Snack Dealer!
Worst Video (and Most Wasted Video) - Cody's Accident
Overall Month Rating*: 4.3/10
At least, after all these bad month enders for the year (The Mustache Problem, Junior Walks In, Jeffy's Scavenger Hunt, and Junior Gets Cooties), Junior's 13th Birthday ended this month on a rather OK note...
42 Votes in Poll
Reply with a swear word or swear words to be languaged by me!
So I joined this among us wiki and I said HEYYYYYY then the admins remove the message like come on man I’m just saying hello I’m new to ur wiki is there something wrong with saying hey?
39 Votes in Poll
Reply what ur top 3 least favourite videos are
What's funny is this video wasn't even related to SML, they just used the same puppets as them, and it's a funny coincidence how they didn't know aboutthe fact that the puppets they used are a couple in SML (or about SML at all).
Imagine if they used Cameel Habib Habab's puppet for the song instead. That would be even funnier.