I saw it as a quote on his fandom page and REALLY want to know
I saw it as a quote on his fandom page and REALLY want to know
-Tito (General)
-Chef Pee Pee
-Super D
-Black Yoshi/Ya Boy Duggie
-Harold Wilfred
-Rosalina’s/Rose’s Parents
-Craig The Devil
The "movie" (not calling it that since it's only slightly longer than most normal SML videos) will be a straightforward video about a school trip gone wrong and mostly focus on the students (especially Jeffy of course). Characters like Jacques most likely won't be present at all (and even if he is, he won't play a large role)
Likewise, Nancy is still dead and will not return in any way, shape or form.
Given the possible focus on students, expect characters like the Junior trio, Penelope, Patrick, Bully and Lil T to appear in the movie.
Mr. Winkle will be the main antagonist, probably kidnapping the kids to take to his new sex dungeon or something. IDK seems fitting. And since Lance confirmed someone will die in this special (not movie), it will probably be Winkle,
Expect the adult presence in this movie to be limited to Marvin and Rose in minor roles + Jackie Chu (spearheading the school trip), Brooklyn Guy, Simmons and Mr. Winkle. I expect very few adults in important roles other than those.
There will be at least one big explosion. The school bus will probably be a victim. And gun violence, and blood. This movie's probably gonna focus even more on the spectacle than the first.
While Mama Luigi will not return (nor will any old characters apart from Lil T), D2celt2 will make at least one poll asking us if we enjoyed his return regardless.
31 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
42 Votes in Poll
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53 Votes in Poll
37 Votes in Poll
29 Votes in Poll
+Mario was good
+Rosalina was ok
+Jeffy was funny
+Junior and Cody were fine
+Brooklyn Guy and Simmons were funny
+Simmons confusing the pain for mustard was funny
+Patrick was funny
+Brooklyn Guy and Simmons confusing Patrick for Spider-Man was funny
+Screwball’s ending cameo was funny
8.5/10 a bit too similar to the other Hit and Run videos.
Plot: Chef Pee and Junior are eating breakfast then Chef Pee Ee decides to turn on the radio but while turning on the radio “Macarena” is playing and Chef Pee Pee and Junior decide to dance to the catchy old song.
Later Junior is playing “Fortnite” and he has equipped the Master Chief skin causing Junior to remember the older “Halo” games and how great they were. Suddenly he hears Joseph, Cody and Patrick at the door, Junior let’s them in , once inside Cody says he found some interesting things in the trash earlier causing Junior to want to see what it is. Cody them pulls a Tomodachi and a fidget spinner from his pocket causing all four of them remember how popular they both were back in the day.
Suddenly the news cuts on with urgent news from Dr. Frederick Finkleshitz about a new deadly virus.
Finkleshitz says how earlier today he was creating a formula to regrow your leftover dinner so you could have more, but Finkleshitz confesses in the process he used a new chemical causing the formula to be tampered, saying it then turned into a deadly virus he then lists the symptoms as remembering the past fondly and wanting to go back to the past (like Samurai Jack) and he calls it “Nostalgia”.
Suddenly Junior, Joseph, Cody, Patrick even Chef Pee Pee (he wanted to listen to the news report too) start to notice they all look suddenly older, then Finkleshitz appears again on the news saying the other dangerous symt of the virus, causing you to age rapidly.
Now knowing the dangers of “Nostagia” the group decides to find a way to stop this new virus before it ages them to the point they will die!
(tell me that you think of the plot below)
The boys are forced to write a current events paper to save Jackie Chu's job. Jeffy, Junior, Cody, and Joseph are grouped together with Patrick, a jittery child who suggests that the presentation be on the "Underpants Gnomes" — tiny men who sneak into his house and steal his underwear.
Plot: A day in the life of Mr. Goodman!
What could Happen:
Begin with Goodman waking up from bed to see one of his maids giving him breakfast.
Goodman then goes to check on Benjamin. He gives Benjamin his bottle, only for him to start complaining about it being full of one dollar bills instead of hundred dollar bills and he starts crying, so Goodman gives him the hundred dollar bottle in annoyance.
Goodman then goes to check on Richard, who’s grounded because he spent 5 thousand dollars on hitman to take out a kid at school who made fun of him, which Goodman continues to scold him for.
Goodman then sees chives in the hall and he asks what’s on the todo list.
Chives informs him that he has to go collect Marvin’s house payment, much to Goodman’s annoyance because he knows that he won’t have.
Goodman shows up at Marvin's house and they go through their whole stick of Marvin not having his house payment and Goodman threatening him.
When he gets back to chives, he asks why he always threatens him when Marvin doesn’t have his house payment, in which Goodman responds “Because fear seems to be the only thing that seems to motivate him to get it.”
Next, Goodman has to go to the news station and report on a story about a kid, Patrick in this case, Robbing a candy store while on sugar high.
Goodman then reports on the story and he has to run to the candy store to report on the story and interview the owner.
After the show, Goodman goes back to his car to see chives on his phone. He asks why he was on his phone, chives explains how there’s not much to do while he’s waiting for him, Goodman then says “Oh ya, that does make sense.”
Next, Goodman has to go to his job as a lawyer, and his client just so happens to be Patrick, the kid he robbed the candy store.
Goodman asks why Patrick robbed the store, and patrick says “Because my mommy would only let me have pieces of candy so I took her car keys and her car and drove down to the candy store, and then I drove the car through the candy store, and I took the candy from the store, then I was driving back home, and I hit and old lady and then I crashed into a tree and then the police man came and now I’m here.”
Goodman then tells Patrick that he’s screwed. When Patrick asks why, Goodman replies “Because you literally just admitted to the thing you’re being accused of.”
After that Goodman heads home.
When he gets home, Chives informs him that he’s getting a call from Kim Jong-un, and it’s revealed that HE’S paying North Korea NOT to nuke the US.
It’s then revealed that Goodman’s been paying multiple different world leaders NOT to World War 3.
The video ends with Goodman going to bed.
Leave your thoughts and ideas in the comments!
20 Votes in Poll
This is about country relationships.