There were more things I enjoyed about the video having watched it a second time, but there were also more things I didn't enjoy
+Brooklyn Guy and Jackie Chu were funny
+Mario was alright
+The side plot with Chef Pee Pee was overall very enjoyable. Junior's reaction at the end was especially priceless
+Some things Jeffy said were kinda funny, like that shot he fired at Rosalina
+I still think the new location is pretty cool
+Some decent jokes
-I still find Muriel creepy as hell, and she only ever made me chuckle twice in the entire video
-This video has the pedophilia problem from Junior's Girlfriend and the two maid videos
-For the most part, Jeffy was unenjoyable
-Joseph was just weird here
-The scene with Bully Bill reading out the letter felt mean
Overall, it's decent, but Muriel still sucks and is still planned to be on my top 10 worst one-time character list…