1 Nancy,
2 Mr and Mrs. huckerdoo,
3 Tyrone and Judy,
4 Mr. Goodman,
5 Roy,
6 Barbara,
7 Dave/ Jeffy's father,
8 Mr. Winkle,
9 Mickey,
10 CJ,
11 Screwball the Clown,
12 Ronald McDonald,
13 Jonathan,
14 CJ's brother.
1 Nancy,
2 Mr and Mrs. huckerdoo,
3 Tyrone and Judy,
4 Mr. Goodman,
5 Roy,
6 Barbara,
7 Dave/ Jeffy's father,
8 Mr. Winkle,
9 Mickey,
10 CJ,
11 Screwball the Clown,
12 Ronald McDonald,
13 Jonathan,
14 CJ's brother.
23 Votes in Poll
Here’s my thoughts first:
Nancy, Mr. Winkle, and Does Bad Things Guy should be the villains in Jeffy’s 20th Birthday, let me explain:
Me personally I want Nancy to come back but revived by the devil this time instead to get revenge instead of money for the times she was unsuccessful.
Mr. Winkle:
I want Mr. Winkle to appear instead of Screwball and I don’t want Screwball to be a villain in this video because while he may be dumb, I like to give him the benefit of a doubt that he learned his lesson, plus Nancy might get help from Mr. Winkle instead as she probably won’t want Screwball to work with her due to his low intelligence and the past unsuccessful times in Jeffy’s 18th and 19 birthday. Also, if Screwball appeared in Jeffy’s 18th and 19th Birthday, then I don’t why can’t Mr. Winkle can’t appear in Jeffy’s 20th Birthday.
Does Bad Things Guy:
Although this might be unlikely as his last appearance was in 2017 in The Secret Door, I still hope he’s alive and comes back just like Nancy did and kidnaps and impersonates Brooklyn Guy as they’re identical to each other to help Nancy and Mr. Winkle get away with kidnapping and trying to murder Jeffy and Brooklyn Guy as they’re both common enemies and have the same birthday. Also if Nancy can survive a shot and come back, then why can’t Does Bad Things Guy?
But that was just my opinion and thoughts, now I’d like to see yours!
So after watching Duggie The Hitman I saw an SML question and it says "What Do You Think Will Happen In Jeffy's 20th birthday?" Us the audience we're like "Holy shit Nancy is definitely coming back in 20th birthday, and the whole cop out joke at the end and Brooklyn Guy mocking us saying that "We're original". And we the audience we're like "Man fuck off your not original". And I wrote a comment to tell Logan to not bring her back in 20th birthday.
52 Votes in Poll
What do you think would happen if Nancy & Mr. Winkle met each other?
Mr. Winkle
Marvin (plot-twist)
43 Votes in Poll
30 Votes in Poll
43 Votes in Poll
Chef PeePee
Scooter (Probably)
Poop Butt
Drawing Jeffy (Most likely)
Woody (Maybe)
Toad (Debatable)
The "movie" (not calling it that since it's only slightly longer than most normal SML videos) will be a straightforward video about a school trip gone wrong and mostly focus on the students (especially Jeffy of course). Characters like Jacques most likely won't be present at all (and even if he is, he won't play a large role)
Likewise, Nancy is still dead and will not return in any way, shape or form.
Given the possible focus on students, expect characters like the Junior trio, Penelope, Patrick, Bully and Lil T to appear in the movie.
Mr. Winkle will be the main antagonist, probably kidnapping the kids to take to his new sex dungeon or something. IDK seems fitting. And since Lance confirmed someone will die in this special (not movie), it will probably be Winkle,
Expect the adult presence in this movie to be limited to Marvin and Rose in minor roles + Jackie Chu (spearheading the school trip), Brooklyn Guy, Simmons and Mr. Winkle. I expect very few adults in important roles other than those.
There will be at least one big explosion. The school bus will probably be a victim. And gun violence, and blood. This movie's probably gonna focus even more on the spectacle than the first.
While Mama Luigi will not return (nor will any old characters apart from Lil T), D2celt2 will make at least one poll asking us if we enjoyed his return regardless.
66 Votes in Poll
Mr. Winkle was brutally shot and killed.
Just mediocre
+The plot's ok
+Goodman was once again great
+The dog show scene at the end was funny
+Prince Charles's reaction to Scooter was kinda funny
+Rosalina was tolerable here
+I guess seeing Shitass again was nice
-Jeffy was annoying
-Prince Charles. He's basically Richard as a dog
-Scooter did not make a good comeback at all here (but hey, atleast Matt's back in SML)
-Mario torture
-The video dragged on in a lot of parts
-They could've done more with the concept
Overall, this is a mediocre video that I really expected more to be done with…