Plot: Jeffy's Dad/Mario keeps saying no to whatever Jeffy wants, so Rosalina and Jeffy need to hypnotize him to make him yes to whatever Jeffy wants!
Release Date: June 22, 2022
Synopsis: The episode starts with Jeffy asking Mario/Marvin if they can go to Disney World, but Mario/Marvin says no. An enraged Jeffy screams at him saying he really wants to go to Disney World, but Mario/Marvin keeps saying no. Soon, Rosalina/Rose comes in asking them what is happening, and Jeffy tells her that Mario/Marvin keeps saying no to the things he wants. He also doesn't know what's making him the way he is because he still screams at him, says no, and takes his stuff away from him. Jeffy and Rosalina/Rose don't know how to fix him, so they decide to call a doctor to fix his personality.
Doctor Brooklyn T. Guy comes in and says he can hypnotize Mario/Marvin into saying yes to all the things Jeffy wants. He hypnotizes Mario/Marvin with his pocket watch (or as he calls it his ding-a-ling), while making a joke about saying he hypnotized his ex-wife into doing whatever he wants until she snaps out of it. While hypnotizing Mario/Marvin, he says the only way he can say no to whatever Jeffy wants forever again is if he sees or hears the word, "no". After the hypnotism, Jeffy asks Mario if they can go to Disney World again, and Mario/Marvin responds by saying yes, proving that the hypnotism idea worked.
At Disney World, they get to see Mickey Mouse, go on lots of rides, eat food, and watch the fireworks. When they got home, Jeffy asks Mario/Marvin for a slice of pizza, and he says yes again. Then, Jeffy asks for 1 million dollars, and he says yes for the third time. Jeffy asks him to never make him green beans again, and he says yes for the fourth time. Then he asks him for a happy meal, and Mario/Marvin says yes for the fifth time. Jeffy asks him if they can watch TV. He says yes again for the sixth time. A TV program called, "The No No No Show" appears. Jeffy is shocked when Mario/Marvin snaps out of it and he gets angry at Jeffy. He takes away all of his stuff and grounds him for the rest of his life, and threatens to say no forever, and the episode ends.
In the post-video, an SML Merch commercial advertisement appears with Logan and Lance.
Brooklyn T. Guy
Mickey Mouse
Brooklyn T. Guy's Ex-Wife (mentioned)