Ok so my thoughts on this SML video is super bad but it was good at the end where Marvin won again dang Marvin really wants to win for sure just like he won in Jeffy's Country for the Rib Sandwich.
Anywho I'll give this video a 0.2/10
Marvin Wins Again for the second time
The Hawk calling Marvin was super funny
Rose,Jeffy,& Brooklyn Guy were super terrible heck even the Baby Back Chilly's song was annoying
This video made the people who loved MTN Dew Baja Blast or MTN Dew in general would not drink it ever again because of the Brooklyn Guy scene where he has the two cups and injecting Rose with it to get her pregnant.
The Baby scene is even worse than Jeffy has kids,& Pregnant Jeffy because both of them super annoying and one of them gets taken away or dies.
Just like Ray Rants said Rose just literally had a baby or f with Jeffy that pretty much it. They both can make out nuff said
Let's hope we can kill Rose whenever we see her.