22 Votes in Poll
1 - Jeffy Gets Bullied is one of the funniest videos of 2017
2 - If Drawing Jeffy only appeared once, he would be in my list of worst one-time characters
3 - Jeffy the Rapper 1 is funnier (but not better) than 2
4 - Burgers over Pizza
5 - The Jeffy's Butler duo videos are very good
6 - (PROBABLY EVERYONE THINKS THIS) Brooklyn Guy went from high on my best characters list to on my worst characters list.
7 - Logan needs a new animator
8 - Brewstew is probably the funniest YouTuber out there
The Why Jeffy song is the best dude song, and the best song for dudes, and the best song for bros!
Did you know that Toad's rap song in SML Movie: Jeffy The Rapper 2, uses the same rap song from SML Movie: Bowser Junior's Summer School Part 3.
(Link to the overview of the New York City Meet and Greet's first day. Recommended you read it before this if you haven't already. Also obligatory link to the blog post version of this post.)
So the SML Meet and Greet for New York City went on longer than I thought. So much longer in fact, I had to split the overview of the Meet and Greet's second day by half so the pages wouldn't be overloaded with information, and there was lots of it. Part 2 will be out tomorrow or the day after.
Most notably, the crew members talked about a lot of future SML Movie ideas (including some video sequels), and even got some ideas in the middle of stream, so if you want to see some future SML videos, keep reading.
As always, most of this comes from a secondary source in Audrey unless specified otherwise, so take some of these with grains of salt since as she herself admits, there's a lot Logan dosen't tell her.
Livestream Part 1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZ2tcdR8b64
Livestream Part 2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SUaCPtWdQAY
Part 1
Character Information
0:11 - The idea for Jeffy came from a random sketch doodle one of the crew members did.
19:30 - Mr. Goodman is Lance's favorite character to voice.
1:32:11 - Logan has talked about bringing Richard Goodman back recently, but it seems like his first idea for a new Richard episode fell through.
1:50:27 - Apparently Scooter is a really popular request by fans to return.
SML Videos information
11:45 - The Pokemon series is probably never coming back.
11:56 - Not fully sure if this is right since some words were blocked out by the background noise, so don't treat it like fact, but Lance and Logan seem to be saying they want to make a video called "Jeffy Ball Z 2" (or maybe "Jeffy Ball GT") and were choosing between it and the previous video (presumably "Junior's Sick Day") to film.
31:39 - A fan gives Logan a Jimmy Butlers card. The crew and the fan start brainstroming a potential future video where Brooklyn Guy's signed Jimmy Butler card gets ripped by Penelope. Logan says he's doing it at the end, so looks like you can expect a video along the lines of "Brooklyn Guy's Stolen Card" in the future.
35:38 - There will be a "SpiderKen Part 2" in the future, and it's being held up because they haven't found a Doctor Octopus figure. He also says the release date but I couldn't make it out.
1:08:48 - A fan gives Logan a custom made plush of Plank from Ed Ed and Eddy and Logan says he's "gonna use it for a idea".
1:42:14 - Jeffy The Rapper 3 confirmed by Logan.
Meet and Greet information
3:13 - SML crew will likely never hit Australia because of Logan's fear of flying.
12:20 - There are no plans for Canada, but Audrey will try to bug Logan about that. So maybe Canadians can have some hope.
1:07:30 - There will be a meet and greet in California.
1:26:20 - The crew probably isn't going to Buffalo, or any other non-New York City location in New York, anytime soon. In fact for most of the tour you can expect one city per state.
Other random stuff
1:32 - Member of chat makes the good observation most of these kids are probably supposed to be in school right now.
56:25 - Probably just a joke to sate the guy who wasted 20$ to make that joke, but the "SML" channel title stands for SuperMarvinLogan. Speaking of which, a lot of people in the chat were donating anything from 1 dollar to 50 every single time they spoke, and a lot of them spoke a lot. Hope they don't complain they can't pay their bills or anything lol.
1:01:20 - The biggest SML Superfan who sends fan mail almost 24/7.
1:06:55 - Logan and a fan jokingly talk about a video where Brooklyn Guy arrests his mother. Does that sound like it'd be a good idea?
1:12:49 - Somebody at the Orlando Meet and Greet apparently brought Tito some fries. He loves his memes for sure.
1:15:58 - More fake Poobys enter the chat and demand credit card information.
1:28:49 - Audrey says she going to ask Logan about an SML choose your own adventure video. That sounds like an interesting idea, I hope it becomes real. She asks at 1:39:44, Logan does seem to like the idea but wheter it's happening in the future is up in the air.
1:41:14 - Guy named Will calls the store manager Zoey a nerd in the chat and gets a bit more than he bargained for.
1:49:16 - Matthew (ScooterTube) joins the chat.
Part 2
Character Information
4:03 - Seems doubtful the Angry Birds will come back.
28:03 - Once again, Scooter will return in the future.
SML Videos information
5:06 - There will be a remake of "The Burger".
Meet and Greet information
15:02 - England probably isn't happening because of Logan's aversion to flying.
18:10 - Louisiana would apparently be easy for the Crew to do a tour in. So we may very well get Louisiana
Other random stuff
3:10 - Anthony tries to eat Terrence and then chickens out and pretends like he wasn't craving spider legs.
19:57 - (Cringe warning) Lance and a fan do a "Uh!" off.
47:35 - Somebody pulls the fire alarm. The third part reveals this was because of somebody in an ajadcent room smoking.
9.3/10 imo. This one was very great.
Pros: All the characters in this video were great (especially goodman), the songs were great (wanna see my pencil especially), and the ending was good.
Cons: not any cons really.
Overall, This was just a very great video.
31 Votes in Poll
I rewatched Jeffy The Rapper 2 and The Rings before I start my DoorDashing session, and found them much better than I used to view them. The scores for these videos, ★☆☆☆☆ (1) and ★½☆☆☆ (1.5), have improved to ★★★★★ (5) and ★★★½☆ (3.5), respectively.
26 Votes in Poll
33 Votes in Poll