Jeffy Gets Bullied is one of, if not the best SML movies of all time
Like, top 10 of all time.
Simple concept, hilarious, most characters were really good, even Bully
Jeffy Gets Bullied is one of, if not the best SML movies of all time
Like, top 10 of all time.
Simple concept, hilarious, most characters were really good, even Bully
1 - Jeffy Gets Bullied is one of the funniest videos of 2017
2 - If Drawing Jeffy only appeared once, he would be in my list of worst one-time characters
3 - Jeffy the Rapper 1 is funnier (but not better) than 2
4 - Burgers over Pizza
5 - The Jeffy's Butler duo videos are very good
6 - (PROBABLY EVERYONE THINKS THIS) Brooklyn Guy went from high on my best characters list to on my worst characters list.
7 - Logan needs a new animator
8 - Brewstew is probably the funniest YouTuber out there
35 Votes in Poll
38 Votes in Poll
I was notified of a different YouTuber doing this list recently, and it turned out his list was a little outdated. And as it turns out, nobody had made an accurate-at-the-time-of-deletion list. Since I have the data for each SML and SLL video I decided to make it. The list is below from least to most.
10: Jeffy Gets Bullied - 48,992,901 views
9: Mr. Goodman's Son - 50,100,382 views
8: Jeffy Plays Fortnite - 56,342,811 views
7: Smart Jeffy - 58,297,214 views
6: Fat Jeffy - 58,665,749 views
5: Jeffy's Cellphone - 58,866,144 views
4: Bowser Junior Goes To Disney World Part 1 - 63,070,208 views
3: Jeffy The Rapper - 65,304,766 views
2: Jeffy's WiFi Problem - 69,793,602 views
1: Jeffy's Parents - 92,104,422 views
I will never know how "Jeffy's WiFi Problem" got that many.
EDIT: Swapped "Smart Jeffy" and "Fat Jeffy" since I mixed them at first.