A quick little rank because why not, it feels like procrastinating is the right thing to do…
#5 Sister Location
It’s kind of mixed between the first and this one, but when I look at the points for them both I think it would be unfair to put the first one below this one. This video has the best environment by far and the animatronics also looked very good. That’s pretty much all it’s got going for it though. It lacked a plot, characters were very underutilized and the further the video went on the less serious it seemed to get. I’m still satisfied that it’s the end of the series though.
#4 Five Nights At Freddy’s
Being the first in the series, they obviously put the least effort into it as they probably didn’t plan for a series. Having rewatched it, it’s quite slow and kind of boring, but it was more climatic than I remember. The animatronics and mechanics were utilized a pretty neat amount and Brooklyn Guy wasn’t as annoying as i remember, although he still talked too much.
#3 Five Nights At Freddy’s 4
Expected this to be the competitor for the worst, as the biggest problem I had was that they were just running around the entire video with little to no progress. However, everything other than that was still good. The animatronics were cool, some were utilized alright, and the inclusion of other characters like the Huckerdoos and Brooklyn Guy made the video a bit more interesting. The ending was extremely predictable though, and they could’ve utilized some things more like the flashlights and doors.
#2 Five Nights At Freddy’s 3
This could’ve easily been compared to the others behind it, but the Mr. Winkle twist just absolutely saved the video. I can’t say enough how goddamn good of a decision that was, and the flashback was the most interesting part of the video. Other than that, it’s pretty comparable to the first video, although it has a better scenery but is also less utilized. The jumpscares felt cheap and the foxy gag was getting overused at this point. The cons don’t compare to the pros though. Just damn.
#1 Five Nights At Freddy’s 2
I haven’t rewatched it, but from what I remember it was the overall most well rounded and unproblematic of the series. The animatronics were more lively and active, the mask mechanic was very well utilized, all characters played some role (other than Jeffy I guess) and it was the most funny overall. It has the same scenery as the first video but it was explored in a much interesting way because of the first person view. It’s maybe not the most interesting in the series, but it was definitely handled the best.