Lemme start first:
Part 2 – 8.5/10
Part 3 – 7/10
Part 1 – 6/10
Part 6 – 5.5/10
Part 5 – 5.5/10
Part 4 – 5/10
Overall average: 6.25/10
Lemme start first:
Part 2 – 8.5/10
Part 3 – 7/10
Part 1 – 6/10
Part 6 – 5.5/10
Part 5 – 5.5/10
Part 4 – 5/10
Overall average: 6.25/10
Everyone, I'm confused. Cody Goes To Kindergarten Setting took place in May on the last day of school before summer school. I thought the Cody Goes To Kindergarten series was supposed to take place on the last few days of February and the beginning days of March.
When principal Steinbeck talks to Darryl. Daryl says "man everyone passed no one ain't cheating here" soon Principal Steinbeck starts crying and throwing a temper because everyone passed just like he did in Junior Summer School part 7. So everyone starts to celebrate that everyone gotten an A on their final exam. So Junior says "Yay we all passed" and Cody says "Yes Yes oh God now I can finally go back to Jackie Chu's class room" and Joseph will say "wooo I can finally get out of this hell hold". And thus ending the series
27 Votes in Poll
Cody, Junior, and Joseph will spend the rest of their lives in Kindergarten, they did recess again, and Mr. Winkle lured the kids again, but this time, he lured all of the kids. All of the Kindergartners are in Mr. Winkle's secret base, and they all saw Jeffy, Mr. Winkle plan was to destroy the School, so Jeffy was originally gonna destroy the School but Principal Steinbeck gave Jeffy a deal, if Jeffy does not destroy the School and go to High School because he is the dumbest and the strongest, Cody, Junior, and Joseph will go back to their usual Jackie Chu classes. At the end, Jeffy goes to High School, to be continued.
What is your guys opinion on the "Cody Goes to Kindergarten" series?
38 Votes in Poll
Junior, Joseph, and Cody did the real final exam, but they failed because of Mikey, so they have no choice but to do the code dumb J which is code Jeffy, Jeffy is the dumbest, but the strongest, so Jeffy beat up Mrs. Fitzpatrick, Mikey, Principal Steinbeck, and all the other people in School, Principal Steinbeck will send Jeffy's friends back to their normal class but Jeffy must go to high School so Jeffy's friends are back to their normal class but Jeffy ended up in high School, to be continued.
20 Votes in Poll
39 Votes in Poll
32 Votes in Poll
Cody's parents were great
Cody was good
Junior and Joseph were pretty good
Mikey getting his ass beat by the trio and Mikey, and the teacher just let them do it!
Principal Steinbeck was great as usual
Interesting setup for what's probably the finale to the series
Mikey ruined Cody's test
The teacher was kinda stupid near the end with the test
Overall, this video is enjoyable, but is probably the weakest entry in the Kindergarten series
Cody's kindergarten is a series that reminds me so much of older sml. It's experimentation and unique, it helps branch out the repetitiveness of the newer content.
you can yap all you want about it, but the truth is its a step in the right direction regardless and I do hope to see more of it
Part 4 is where Cody becomes a teacher since Mrs. Fitzpatrick is tired of teaching the dumb kids. Cody explains Groundhog Day and why he is 16 years old not 4, and when Principal Steinbeck heard that, Cody is back to his Jackie Chu class. But that's not the end, Jackie Chu asks how old is Jeffy and he is 20 years old, so Jeffy was forced to go to high school, to be continued.