My Brad (Just Named Brad) Puppet Design
Bio (Personality): Brad for a guy who just loves showing off and don't care about saving people as much and just want the attention. Back at Collage, he was just a showoff and always flirting with Rose while she was not interested and always get annoyed by him, he is also pescatarian and really loves to show his "handsome hair" and "handsome muscles".
Brad is very proud of his Muscles and Hair. He dislikes being messy, he can also be very narcissistic, vain and occasionally boastful, particularly towards those who appear old-fashioned, weak, slow or dirty. This has caused him to have somewhat of a rivalry with several people and in some cases act out like Rose, Drake, Marvin, and Jeffy. In most cases, it takes scolding from others to make his penny drop, and even then it is too late to prevent trouble.