5.3/10 The episode was good until after Brooklyn Guy's story, it started getting pretty bland and quite boring. There was barely any ideas during the middle of the episode, which is sort of tragic for SML.
4/10 I really thought this episode would be sort of special, but it had too much waste potential and the stupid nicktendo and red couch filler took over.
They should make a Halloween special with Shrek or Woody without any modern characters except Marvin, and no Jeffy or Rose, Junior trio, Brooklyn Guy, and except Chef Pee Pee, Marvin, Shrek or Woody can be in a halloween special.
4/10 Filler Guy keeps dragging videos with his made up trashtendo animation stories they are annoying and made no goddamn sense he seriously making this crap up because he doesn’t have any friends Logan cannot learn anything from any of this nonsense we barley got into the plot but Brooklyn the Filler Trash Guy had to ruin it with his made up stories and I thought the new Joker movie was shit