2/10 Man I sure love when a character just... ruins the fuck out of a video.
The concept is good.
Jonathan was decent.
All of the Lego sets looked cool.
I'll admit the Luigi's Mansion reference that Brooklyn Guy made was done cleverly here.
The ending, while satisfying since Brooklyn Guy got karma, did feel quite a bit abrupt.
The plot of this video is yet again a load of missed potential, seeing Jeffy compete in a lego competition actually sounds sick on paper, but nope it's 2024 we gotta make it bland and annoying.
Brooklyn Guy was fucking atrocious in this video, this is absolutely the worst he's been in a while (the worst since Shrek 5), everything he did in this video legitimately pissed me off.
The Nicktendo animation was absolute filler like usual.
The scene with Brooklyn Guy destroying all the legos in the competition was so fucking frustrating to watch.
The scene with Brooklyn Guy winning the competition with his lego car at the last second legit angered me while watching, he destroyed everyone's hard work and WON?
The scene with Brooklyn Guy coming over to brag about the mega blocks he bought was so annoying.
The scene with Brooklyn Guy calling Lester Lego was very annoying to watch just because of the constant coughing during the scene, that legit got super annoying.
Overall, this video was yet another shit missed potential video, and absolutely fuck Brooklyn Guy here, I miss when he was like... an actually good and funny character.