67 Votes in Poll
@TheTntExpert29 Then why did everyone give Logan a request in the first place!?
There are reasons why people hate characters, they could cause filter, be annoying, and many other reasons.
…I honesty can’t tell which side you’re on?
You didn't answer my question.
Just to make sure I understand your grammar correct. Do you:
A. Dislike people’s complaints about Brooklyn Guy being the norm all the time on Discord?
B. Dislike the way Brooklyn Guy’s being used and accusing the people on Discord for it?
Both of them. Can you tell people to stop giving Logan more requests on characters causing filler?
Well yeah? There's even a video based about this.
Please, stop making requests for Logan to make more filler characters. I am serious.
Did you not see the video from 2 days ago?
What do you think?