(Note this will be a very long post, I will make a TL;DR at the end if you are those who are not willing to read what I have to say)
Okay, so I have made a decision to quit/leave/retire the SML Fandom as a whole. I am honestly just starting to get bored of the Fandom as I am honestly getting tired of SML and this Fandom. (Although, I may Comeback although, its extremely unlikely) I know it may be sudden for some but I will explain why
Most of what SML provides mostly bores me to tears. Especially April, most of the videos just did not appeal to me (with a small exception of King Joseph). and honestly, I just find my self asking why I watch SML? It just feels like a massive time waster. Most of the episodes I find to be nothing but overrated mediocrity (Especially the Kindergarten Series).
Most of the Videos just feel formulaic and now, they are starting to reuse elements (while I do not find it to be a net negative), it can be used over and over again making it pretty dull and repetitive (and not in a good way). Elements they reuse is Anthony voice acting those who rage over the time, while I do find it funny at times, it honestly gets predictable for how overdone it is. Another element I find that to be reused is the court scene, as 95% of all the episodes in 2024 takes place in a court room if its related to criminal activities and while I love Judge Pooby as a character, I feel that he can be honestly overused. The Stripper Scenes are overused IMO, and I find these scenes really annoying.
Also, I feel like the humor is also getting worse. Most of the humor can come of as rather obnoxious then something that i can get a laugh out of. Another thing I would like to point out is "Elsagate" Humor, especially when it comes to Cody X Timmy as I find them to be very cringeworthy IMO, and when it comes to sexual content, I am pretty sensitive towards topic like these. I rewatched the Talent Show, and Hot Dog Stand, one is now a 7/10 and one is a 4/10 and from my previous 8 and 5 rankings.
That is all I want to cover about the show, and as for the Fandom itself, I honestly am getting bored. Now I may have been responding to polls and creating them, but I honestly just feel tired of doing it. The Fandom is boring for the most part IMO. And no offense but I have the genuine feeling some people can just act full of themselves (When it comes to Users Like Pesquick, even if I agree with his criticisms).
Okay for those who want a TL;DR: it is that I decided to quit the Fandom as a whole as I find most of SML Stale and the Community is boring as sin.
One More Final Thing, If you are wanting to communicate with me
So If You Guys Are Willing to Follow Up On Me I have some Social Medias
(DW, I still review SMG4, it SML I am Dropping)
And if you have any other Social Media You Use, Tell me and I will see what I can work on.
One Last Thing, While I am not Leaving the Wiki Yet, I am only going to be answering questions you have (If you want to).
So While This will not be my last Message, this will be my last post where I discuss on this Fandom. So I will be truly quitting on April 19. I honestly am Done with the series and the Fandom I Hope you All Have A Good One, and Have a Great Day :)
Yours Truly