I’ve had this in the back of my head for a while. What if, in this parody of the Movie The Rat Race, a mysterious tycoon invites a few teams of the SML characters in a race for $5 Million on the other side of the country?
During this lengthy episode, we’d have the following teams in their vehicles…
Team Jeffy (Jeffy, Marvin, Rose)
Team Junior (Junior, Cody, Joseph)
Team Guy (Brooklyn Guy and Karen)
Team Goodman (Goodman and Chives)
racing each other by taking their own routes each with their own snags and obstacles that make their journey not so easy. During the scenes each time we get some sub-plots like how Jeffy and Rose’s antics annoy Marvin, to the point where he snaps… especially when Jeffy “accidentally” burns the car and the trio are forced to hitchhike… Junior comes to learn that there’s no “I” in "team" and that he should learn to take the blame for once and not treat his two friends as scapegoats, whose lives he puts in danger during his rich-blind goal… Brooklyn Guy reminisces of his past and gets to the heart of why he is not happy, with Karen finding out she’s one of the reasons and revealing he has no idea what to do with the money or if it will fix everything for him… And Chives at some point betraying and running away from Goodman for the latter to realize that he really doesn’t know what he has until it leaves because he’s been spanking it…
All this ending with who will get to the $5 Million stash first? And who’s this mysterious tycoon giving out such as large sum...
Yeah, normally I don’t do these sort of fanfiction-esque things, but out of boredom and just putting it out there, here ya go.