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So with Halloween coming up next month u think it would be cool if they made a video called snl movie jeffys. creepypasta what do you guys think
8/10 You read that right I like Ronald McDonald. Overhatted character to be honest
1. Anthony’s acting is amazing, the over-the-top reactions and psychotic nature work for these characters because he's supposed to be a sociopath.
2. Most of the humor from Ronald makes me laugh, he’s so unpredictable that you never know what he’s going to say or do next. I guarantee some of his jokes will make you chuckle.
3. Ronald has great chemistry when he’s along with other characters. The way he treats Steve is funny and anytime he interacts with the main cast you’re guaranteed to get a smile.
4. A majority of the videos starring him are great. Duggie’s KFC Pizza, Junior Sues McDonalds, and The Purple Problem just to name a few.
1. Ronald can sometimes be a little overbearing, mainly when he’s given too much screen time.
Overall, Ronald is such a great character. I don’t understand why people hate him so much. Yes, I think he can be annoying at times but Anthony’s comedic delivery and hammy performance outweigh the main problem I have with this character.
14 Votes in Poll
14 Votes in Poll
8/10 This was a nice start to February 2024.
-The concept was definitely unique, it kinda reminded me of Judge Jeffy.
-Jeffy was surprisingly pretty enjoyable here.
-Judge Pooby was definitely the best character, he had the funniest moments IMO.
-Most of the other characters were also decent, especially Goodman, Marvin, Brooklyn Guy, and Jackie Chu.
-The first court case is definitely my favourite, especially with the moment where Judge Pooby tried the Chinese food.
-For the most part, Jonathan's court case was decent, although one character ruined it.
-Cody's court case was fucked up yet funny tbh.
-The commercial at the beginning was pretty funny.
-Booger did nothing but cause filler here. He had little to no funny moments, although him messing with Judge Pooby was did make me chuckle a little.
-The ending was pretty bad. I hated how it ends with Jeffy abruptly quitting with little to no explanation.
-Minor con, but I think a bit more could've been done, like, maybe add a few more cases before having Jeffy quit.
Overall, this video was pretty great for the most part, but Booger ruined it for me. If he wasn't here, then this would've probably been an amazing video, but other than him and the ending, I genuinely enjoyed this video.
Woody’s endless shrimp
Junior’s endless macaroni
Marvin’s kids
Marvin’s clone
Junior’s daughter
Junior’s 16th birthday (same as Jeffy’s 20th birthday)
22 Votes in Poll
A lot of yall seem quite bitter with sml and I think its a bit unjustified of course the videos aren't gonna be as good mans middle aged and with a kid now the old days are long gone its been down hill for years now instead of hating just enjoy it while it's still here I ain't saying don't criticize sml I just think yall are a bit harsh nowadays maybe yall just need to learn let go.
Why does Barbara (Brooklyn Guy's mom) call Brooklyn Guy "Brookie"?
34 Votes in Poll
60 Votes in Poll